About Us
One of the easiest things that we can do to thanks someone which is giving a gift. At here we can help you to fulfill your needs. Our company Beauty Bouquet Florist 'N' Gifts is a one stop center that can deliver your pretty gift to your beloved. Due to our 10 years of experiences, we have done our best to help many senders passing the message to their lover.Hence, flowers are the best way expresses your feelings and cares to your family or even your friends. Our products are also selling at reasonable prices. Our aim is wishing our sender can enjoy their happy moment with their love one. Clients are our most important assets, therefore we pay utmost attention in customer satisfaction. We are ever ready in providing practical solutions for every challenge.
When it comes to customer services, our staffs have been trained to provide effective guidance throughout the entire process from initial consultation to the products. We also guarantee to give the best quality product to our customers.
We are continuously adding our product lines to offer the highest quality and most complete selection according to customer satisfaction and their needs. You are welcome to leave your order in here, we are ready for your feedback.
Please call/ WhatsApp +6012- 287 5559 (Tracy)
You may drop us your enquiry through call / sms / WhatsApp and we will get back to you as soon as possible :)
Kindly visit us on Instagram page too for more updates
Username: beautybouquetbytracy
Link: https://www.instagram.com/beautybouquetbytracy/?hl=en)
我们可以做的最简单的事情之一就是给予礼物给最想感谢的人。在这里,我们可以帮助您满足您的需求。我们的公司Beauty Bouquet Florist 'N' Gifts是一站式服务中心,拥有超过10年的经验可以为您心爱的人提供美丽的花束和礼物。
1.花架 - RM200 至 RM800
2.手捧花 - RM80 至 RM400
3. 求婚花束- 99 朵玫瑰 RM600 至 RM1,000
4.花盒 - RM60 至 RM400
5.气球套装 - RM80 至 RM300
6.水果篮 /礼篮/ 定制礼盒- RM80 至 RM500
您可以通过Call / WhatsApp + 6012- 287 5559(Tracy)向我们发送您的询问,我们会尽快回复您:)
We are glad to be feautured as one of the best options for Florists in Cheras, read from the below link for more: